Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sick Happens

Doesn't everyone love the fact that when one person in your family gets sick, it just gets passed around?

Doesn't everyone love when you get a call from school and you already know what's wrong because your child complained of a sore stomach, but you sent them to school anyway since he didn't have a fever, wasn't throwing up, or having the poops?

  Isn't it wonderful when you are feeling it the following day and even having two bathrooms isn't keeping up the wondrous event that is the household sickness?

    This was my house last week, which is why for the first part of this assignment I chose this blog as a fan favorite.
     The points the mother makes in this blog are basically what I was dealing with on Saturday. It got to the point that I didn't care what my son was doing, where he was at, even what he was wearing.

On Sunday, my fiancé got it. Lord help me, I wanted to kill him.

 He was more of a baby about it than I was, I couldn't even drive without second guessing myself, if I could respond quickly enough to avoid anything if I had to. Thank God I was able to walk to Walgreens to get him the medicine I asked him to pick up the day before for me to take and instead I am now buying it for him. I just knew I should have grabbed it myself.


  So, now I've got the deal with my symptoms, his whining butt, and a child that can't keep from crapping himself enough to go to school two days before.

  So, on Sunday when I was forcing myself to feel better, my son at this point wasn't even feeling sick. I was tickling him and laying on him as if he was a pillow. His face before he realized what happened.

   And this was his face when he realized what happened. And during this I was trying not to laugh hysterically because it's not everyday that your son craps himself literally, and it was partially my fault, so I can't get mad at him. I can only feel sorry for him. Man I wish ya'll were there because it was absolutely the funniest thing that has ever happened to me while dealing with sick people while being sick.

     Ok, I'm done with my rant. I have no more steam to make it anymore funny or it may make me mad about my fiancĂ© being a bigger baby than my actual "baby".

Typical man, right ladies? (Not all, I know, but mine is part of this stereotype)

Hope you all enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog was so true!!!!! Love the picture of that baby.
